Sunday, August 4, 2013

Repost of Final Project: Gamification Mini-course

(re-posted so it would be on top after my late assignments were posted)

Hi, this is Ian Albers and I have created a mini-course focusing on the use of game design concepts and gamification in education.  While it is not completely necessary for these concepts to use technology in their implementation, many of the best applications of these ideas will encourage the use of different technological interfaces in order to proceed.  By the end of the course, teachers will have:
  • discovered what Gamification is and why it is important.
  • learned how to apply game design components in a classroom
  • created a unit plan that uses the concepts of gamification in their content area

The link for the course is located here: Gamification Mini-course

Make-up: Module 3 (New Literacies of Today's Students)

Link to google doc explaining chart and literacies

Make-up: Module 8 (Quest for Quality Apps)

I've grouped my recommended apps by function to flow a little better.  I will point out that I am an Android user, but I figured I should get a good mix from both there and Apple.

Though not directly designed for educational purposes, many apps have great functionality for students

A great tool for organizing, well, everything.  Create a notebook for a project and save every image, link, video, whatever you want associated with that project.  Create another for the resources you used and have everything ready to make your bibliography.

Expressing Ideas

From this week's Bloom's Taxonomy of Apps link I found this neat little app.  There were a lot of different apps that involved brainstorming and mind-mapping.  I liked this because it is clear and looks simple to use.

Similar to Idea Sketch, MindMash is used for brainstorming and note-taking, but this one adds in the ability to insert pictures and drawings.  This takes the program beyond what one can do on a piece of paper and into some of the truly different abilities that digital brainstorming can bring to the table.

I like the idea of using a student’s mobile device as a personal whiteboard, as that allows them the most freedom in their creations.  Being able to record voice data and upload these with the drawings online opens up a lot of room for this program as a presentation tool as well.

Classroom Tools
One type of app we can find a lot of are the ones that mimic the functionality of classical classroom tools.  These can range from calculators to flashcards, and all take advantage of the inexpensiveness and portability of app programs.

The gamification of education has truly begun.  This is a free program that helps you learn different languages, and even better, compete against friends at it!

This app, for Android devices, allows users to create sets of flashcards to study or download sets others have created.  One thing I noticed is that it allows you to custom-rate the difficulty of particular cards in the set, which will change the frequency you see those cards (the easier, the less frequent).

There are a lot of different graphing calculator apps.  With the most recent version's larger keyboard size, Mathway seems to be among the more popular.

My Own Content
As a physics teacher, one of the areas I am most interested in is the usage of these new technologies in the science classroom.  For that purpose, there are a number of apps that can enrich science in all sorts of ways.

This is one I've been messing around with this summer.  Since mobile devices have accelerometers embedded in them to track screen orientation and other things, this makes them excellent tools for all sorts of science experiments.  These two apps (Accelogger for Android and Accelerometer Data for Iphones, etc) record the movements of the phone / device and can transfer that data to a computer.  With the right components, the programs will even graph that data.  I've already got a lab designed for this and there are many more I could do.

This is Google's own SkyMap, which lets you basically point your phone at the sky and figure out what is there at any time of the day.  It also lets you search for different celestial objects, and even jump around in time to figure out what will be where when.  Get this on a student's phone, and they will play with it.  In the classroom it may not have as much of a direct effect, but as for getting kids minds on science, this is a tool for the proliferation of interest in science.  Note: I may be slightly biased, as I spend way more time than I should using this app myself.

Do you recall those accelerometers I mentioned earlier?  They're good; they're really good.  There are a number of different heart rate monitors for both Apple and Android devices (linked one is for Android).  There are a number of different physics things I can do with this (we do labs involving human body power and work), but its use in Biology, Health, and even Physical Education classes should be clear.

My thoughts
Myself, I haven't used my own mobile device for many educational exploits (barring my explorations of the accelerometer and SkyMap apps as mentioned earlier).  Other teachers I have interacted with seem to be even farther behind the times than I in these regards, in that I've never heard any at my own school mention mobile learning in any way.   

Mobile learning seems like an incredible tool for making students masters of their own educations, since they are no longer limited by the classroom.  One barrier that I see to mobile learning is getting administrators to feel comfortable with the use of mobile devices in the classroom.  To make sure students keep to using the devices in appropriate ways, be encouraging of the usage for those ways.  Giving students reasonable boundaries that allow the use of cell phones, tablets, and other such devices is something that most will recognize as fair, as long as the tools aren’t banned outright.  I would certainly advocate using mobile learning as a part of a classroom due to simply how powerful a tool these devices are.  With current bans on student cell phone use, students are missing out on an amazing opportunity to become active in their own learning.

Final Project: Gamification Mini-course

Hi, this is Ian Albers and I have created a mini-course focusing on the use of game design concepts and gamification in education.  While it is not completely necessary for these concepts to use technology in their implementation, many of the best applications of these ideas will encourage the use of different technological interfaces in order to proceed.  By the end of the course, teachers will have:
-discovered what Gamification is and why it is important.
-learned how to apply game design components in a classroom
-created a unit plan that uses the concepts of gamification in their content area

The link for the course is located here: Gamification Mini-course

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The New Digital Divide

I really enjoyed listening to how others structured their thoughts on this week's readings via voicethread. Though a fan of the digital age, I'm highly in favor of in-person conversations over online communication whenever engaged in a real discussion, as social cues and intentions often come from tone, which has always been the difficulty with messageboards, forums, and comment threads. I was happy to see that a majority took the same approach as I did, in that this new version of the digital divide is enlightening, but somewhat makes sense with what we see in our lives. That helped me consider and collect my reflections in a way that tackled the point that I wanted to make, rather than retreading too much of the same ground. Hearing a lot of what others said got me excited about one small part of what I was originally going to talk about: the opportunities present on "the other side" of the divide, and using the access that students do have. I've already started brainstorming stuff for my own classroom in the fall.